Answer Groupings

Answer groupings provide you with an alternative view of question results. Combining answer options allows for applying unique labels that mirror your research objectives.

For example, consider the question, How much do you like to eat at Chipotle? This question has five default answer options:

  • I love it
  • I like it
  • I have no strong opinion
  • I don’t like it
  • I’ve never heard of it

If your research aims to track brand awareness, you may consider combining the first four answer options into one answer.

To create an answer grouping, click on SettingsAnswer Groupings.

Click on the + Add Answer Grouping button that's below the list of groupings.

Provide a descriptive Grouping Name. It will be shown in the Display Options menu for the question when we're done.

Next, choose any answer options you wish to exclude and click the big X to the right of the answer choice. I'm excluding Never heard of it and I don't really have a strong opinion as irrelevant to my current objective.

Next, combine any answer choices you wish to put together. I'm combining I love it with I like it as they both indicate a positive view of the brand. To combine answer choices, click on the small box to the left of each answer choice, then use the Combine Labels button.

After combining the answer choices, I gave the positive answers a label of Favorable. I relabeled the I don't like it answer choice as Unfavorable. To reorder the answer options, I click on the horizontal lines to the left of the small checkbox and drag the option to its desired position.

Finally, I use the blue Save Grouping button at the bottom of the page.

To edit an answer grouping, use the Select link to the left of the grouping's name.

To remove an answer grouping, go to the bottom of the page and use the X Click here to delete this answer grouping link. Deleted groupings cannot be recovered.

Learn how to create answer groupings in this video.